Monday, May 6, 2019
Kinney is one of six finalists invited to attend TICF at Mahidol University’s College of Music August 5-10, 2019.
Dayton Kinney’s piece Hand Carved Names and Railroad Tracks will be premiered by the Grey Matter Ensemble on August 9, 2019 at MACM Hall. One Winner will be awarded an honorarium of $1,500 at the conclusion of the festival and competition.
The Thailand International Composition Festival (TICF) was established with the goal of improving the standard of Composition Education in Thailand and Southeast Asia. Founded in 2005 by the award-winning Thai composer Narong Prangcharoen, TICF has been the growing focus for Contemporary Music in Thailand since its inception. Composers and performers from all over the world have convened to provide major contributions to the festival. Past guests have included Augusta Read Thomas, Bernard Rands, Ken Ueno, Federico Garcia de Castro, Mara Gibson, Ye Xiaogang, Xu Chang-Jun, Chen Yi, Eric Moe, Xiaogang Ye, James Mobberley, Zhou Long, Robert Beaser, Bright Sheng, Norbert Palej, Zygmunt Krauze, Amy Williams, Paul Patterson, Chinary Ung, Antonio Celso Ribeiro, the New York New Music Ensemble, Tetris String Quartet, Third Angle New Music Ensemble, New Ear Ensemble, Dave Eggar, Pauline Kim Harris, Rachel Golub, Tomoko Honda, Michael Hall, the Armrein/ Henneberger Duo, Luisa Sello, Vicennium Void, Enclave Ensemble, Siam Saxophone Quartet, Ryu Goto, Michael Hall, Alvin Wong, Delta David Gier, Fabricio Rovasio, Bennett Lerner, Sngkn Kim, and many others.